Black Crows
Black Crows
Black Crows is an independent French freeski brand from the iconic mountain town of Chamonix.
In 2006, pro freeskiers Camille Jaccoux and Bruno Compagnet founded Black Crows with a burning desire to develop a ski brand where beauty and functionality should merge into a higher unity. The two ski connoisseurs are obsessively design-driven and uncompromising when it comes to the performance of their products. And we can hereby present Black Crows, which can only be described as the ultimate line-up of all-mountain, freeride, touring and randonee skis with well-thought-out and stylish ski clothing and accessories.
Blac Crows, the vision of the perfect freeride ski
Black Crow's story revolves primarily around a group of friends consisting of passionate skiers who are determined to fulfill their ambitions and who are not afraid to challenge the norm. The winter of 2005 is a decisive period for Black Crow's founder Camille Jaccoux and Bruno Compagnet, two professional skiers from France, as it is here that the two friends decide to make the dream of a ski, which is the antithesis of the selection of freeride skis that was find on the ski market, to reality. Their vision was a freeride ski that combined a construction that was large and stable enough to hijack skiing at high speeds with a shape that was agile and fast in connection with sudden changes of direction. From this idea arose the ski market's most beautiful and well-thought-out line of all-mountain and off-piste skis. A line of freeride skis designed by freeskiers - for freeskiers.
Here is the story of Camille Jaccoux and Bruno Compagnet's vision with the Black Crows