All Sneakers
-Sneakers have become insanely popular in recent years. There is almost no person who has not owned a pair of sneakers. They come in a sea of color combinations and models, but when we talk about sneakers, there are 2 types of models. One is a runner silhouette, which in the early 70s was developed for running in the world of sports. A runner silhouette is characterized by the sole ending at the top of the toe. The other type you talk about when you talk about sneakers is called a tennis silhouette. A tennis model is characterized by having a flat sole, and was developed for tennis players. Adidas' Stan Smith or Puma's boris becker can be mentioned here. At Packyard, we always have a sample of both types of models. If you are into tennis models that go well with the casual look, you should look at Garment Project or Vans . If you are more into sneakers in runner silhouettes, you should look at Karhu . Remember that a pair of sneakers always comes with a pair of cool socks, try our new brand Socksss , which is a pair of organic cotton socks in a lot of nice colors.