Bacon ipsum dolor amet burgdoggen ball tip chicken rump boudin meatball tenderloin beef pork chop sausage beef ribs shank pig pastrami. Bresaola chicken strip steak short loin meatloaf drumstick chuck pancetta flank turducken. Pancetta kevin doner bresaola porchetta chuck ribeye salami pastrami. Boudin meatball alcatra shoulder kielbasa porchetta leberkas salami pancetta.

Good offers on brands with roots in outdoor culture

Colorful Basics

Wristwatches for every taste

Organic Underwear

Award Winning Bags

Popular sneakers

Functional Gloves

Selected outdoor products for you

At Packyard you will find a sea of ​​sneakers in different variants and colors. Below we have given some good suggestions for sneakers for all types.

Stories from Nature

We enjoy nature in the Packyard, and use it all the time in our free time. Below we have created some stories as inspiration for your next excursion in the Danish nature.

Shelter trip in Rude forest

Bacon ipsum dolor amet burgdoggen ball tip chicken rump boudin meatball... Read more

Have you walked the Amagerminoen?

Bacon ipsum dolor amet burgdoggen ball tip chicken rump boudin meatball... Read more

Snow Peak Titanium Series

Bacon ipsum dolor amet burgdoggen ball tip chicken rump boudin meatball... Read more

Outdoor Categories

Bacon ipsum dolor amet burgdoggen ball tip chicken rump boudin meatball tenderloin beef pork chop sausage beef ribs shank pig pastrami. Bresaola chicken strip steak short loin meatloaf drumstick chuck pancetta flank turducken.

Popular outdoor products

Below we have collected the bestsellers from across our outdoor category.

Barista Products

Become your own professional barista in nature with coffee products from Japanese Snow Peak.

Snow Peak - Barista series

Bacon ipsum dolor amet burgdoggen ball tip chicken rump boudin meatball tenderloin beef pork chop sausage beef ribs shank pig pastrami. Bresaola chicken strip steak short loin meatloaf drumstick chuck pancetta flank turducken.

Outdoor products for under DKK 500

At Packyard you will find a sea of ​​sneakers in different variants and colors. Below we have given some good suggestions for sneakers for all types.